23 Debut Brochure V3

WOOD SPECIES 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 1. CHERRY Cherry’s smooth, tight- grain, rich color, and stability have won high favor for use in kitchen cabinetry. Cherry ranges in color from white to deep red-brown. It is exceptionally stable & unsurpassed in its finishing qualities. Cherry’s color deepens, mellows, with age due to its unique photosensitivity. 5. OAK Red oak is strong, warm, and open- grained. Because of oak’s open grain it has a semi-smooth feel after it has been finished. Oak stains easily and evenly with a pronounced grain. Some color variation from reddish-tan to medium-brown is possible in its natural state. Occasional pin knots and mineral streaks are also characteristic of oak. 6. THERMAFOIL Produced using a high quality 3/4” MDF “Medium Density Fiberboard”. After door preparation, the MDF is wrapped with a durable vinyl like product “Thermafoil”, by using a combination of heat and pressure. 7. TRUE TOUCH Built from revolutionary alternative materials, True Touch gives you the perfect embossed texture of stained wood. Components are always environmentally safe & low maintenance. Made from engineered wood that is stable & robustly built, these materials completely eliminate the concern of expansion and contraction. 8. MDF MDF is made from an engineered wood product with a consistant core and a smooth surface. More durable than solid hardwoods, MDF is more resistant to warping, expansion and contraction than other hardwoods. 3. HICKORY Hickory is a relatively smooth hardwood chosen for its dramatic color and shade variation and its prominent grain. Color can vary from nearly white to medium -brown. Bird pecks, small pin knots, and minera streaks are common in hickory. 4. RUSTIC Rustic Hickory is a relatively smooth hardwood chosen for its dramatic color and shade variation and its prominent grain. Color can vary from nearly white to medium - brown. Bird pecks, small pin knots, and mineral streaks are common in hickory. 2. MAPLE Maple is a strong, evenly-textured wood with a natural luster. While it is very uniform, you will notice random mineral streaks, worm tracks, or birds-eye patterns. The grain is primarily straight, but can be wavy at times. Maple is a closed-grain wood that sands to a very smooth finish. As it ages, maple will take on a golden hue. Due to the density & hardness of maple, natural expansion & contraction may be more apparent at joints than with softer hardwoods.